The metals industry is of great importance for our daily lives and it is expected that this will be the case also in future. It is our mission to add value to the metals industry by means of automation to support our customers' processes, to increase safety, quality, efficiency, and reduce costs.
At the same time, we support the reduction of negative environmental impact and heavy work conditions. We take care of the relatedness with the local institutions and culture in order to achieve the best possible values for all of us. We want to be in close contact with the metals industry, know what is going on, be at the highest possible technical level, do research for finding the best solutions, and have the power to give the best support, to fulfill our mission.
We are not only interested to be a profitable firm but we also want to add value for all related stakeholders and achieve a win-win situation for all of us. This we want to achieve by respecting our main values:
Willingness to change
RONMAS we care
So, tell us about your vision.